miscellaneous fan fiction by ljc
Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Set during and after "Fool for Love". Spike takes a walk down memory lane, and takes up poetry again. Rated R.
Glass Houses
Max Headroom. Set after "Grossberg's Return". Edison and Theora evaluate where they stand. Rated PG.
Max Headroom. Set during "Lessons." Murray lost both his daughter and her mother, and no one offered to take him home.
Rated PG.
Bad Penny
Sin City. Dwight always comes back. Rated PG-13.
Pirates of the Caribbean. The stranger was different from Lucy's usual clientele. Rated PG-13.
The Grand Tour
Spooks. She never once looks back to where he sits. Rated PG.
Without Waking
Robin of Sherwood. As with many things, it began with dreams of a woman. Rated PG-13.
Rite of Passage
Léon. Everytime Mathilda looks at someone, it's picturing two bullets, center mass. Rated PG.
Now and Then
Jekyll. Katherine Reimer remembers everything. Rated PG.
Temporal Mechanics
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Set during "Vick's Chip". John Connor's knowledge of temporal mechanics hinges on linear time and the concept of causality. Rated PG.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Set during season 1. One minute he was wrestling with Sarah for the last cold beer, and the next his was unable to focus on anything but the curve of her hip beneath his hand. Rated PG.
Respice, Adspice, Prospice
Ultraviolet. Set after "Persona Non Grata". Frances doesn't want to run. She wants to fight. Rated R.
The Post-Plagiarist Conflagration
The Middleman. Set after "The Boyband Superfan Interrogation". Pip's paintings were stacked haphazardly in the centre of the roof, the strong smell of gasoline wafting in the breeze. Rated G.
Making Book
White Collar. June is a very smart lady. Rated PG.
Four Times Hardison Told His Nana He Was Sorry,
And One Time He Said He Was (But Totally Wasn't)
Leverage. Sometimes, a geeky fanboy has to do what a geeky fanboy has to do. Rated PG.
Irish Mythology. One day into the battle, three women met on the hill above the plains. Rated PG.
The View From Seven Miles Down
Man From Atlantis. Mark Harris was an enigma; a puzzle; a complete mystery. And like all good scientists, Dr Elizabeth Merrill was a sucker for a good mystery. Rated PG-13.
Clever Rosebriar
Original Fairy Tale. Once there was a girl called Rosebriar. Rated G.
In The Dark
Covert Affairs. Set during "In The Light". This was the worst possible time in all of history for August Anderson to develop self-awareness where his relationships with women were concerned. Rated PG-13.
The Latina Progenitor Invasion
The Middleman. Wendy Watson was having a day. Rated PG-13.
The Swan Princess
Once Upon a Time Emma Swan never liked fairy tales. Rated PG-13.
The Dust of the World
Borderland Series Jenny Oh was different. Rated PG-13.
Brown-Eyed Girl
The Maltese Falcon Iphigenia Perinos had introduced herself to Samuel Spade as "Effie Perine" and he never called her anything but "Effie". Rated PG-13.
Simple, Not Easy
Marvel Cinematic Universe Darcy should have seen it coming. She couldn't hang around the spandex crowd forever and not end up with a great big target painted on her back eventually. She was just surprised it took Loki so long. Rated NC-17.
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